Regular Ministries

Bible Studies

A staple of our life together is the regular gathering of God’s people around His Word, the Bible.

On Tuesday nights our Know Your Bible (KYB) class meets. KYB is a ladies’ group designed to equip women to read and understand their Bibles better.

Our weekly Growth Group meets on Wednesday nights.

Our monthly Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study meets at 7:30am on the second Saturday of the month.

Youth Ministries


PYGS is our Youth Group for years 5-12. It meets every Friday night during School Term at 7:30pm in the hall.


Pyglets is a kid’s club for years K-4. It meets every Thursday afternoon during School Term at 3:30pm in the hall.


Pipsqueaks is a music group for babies and toddlers. It meets every Monday morning during School Term at 9:45am.